A few years back while scrolling through my Instagram feed, I stumbled on a quote reading Alive or just breathing? From that day to the present, this quote has engraved itself in the deep corners of my mind, always motivating me to not just breath my life away but live it to the brim. This motivation was the driving force behind me opting for an internship with PAX Edutainment for the best time Summer in Mauritius, and God knows I did live my life to the fullest in that one month!
To begin with, I am guessing that there is no need for me to apprise you about the beauty Mauritius rainy season beholds. However, I would like to assure you that the eclectic mix of cultures and traditions, powder-white beaches, soaring mountain peaks and the tropical climate will enchant you and lift up your soul. Even long after you have left the island, the tropical fragrance would still linger around; flooding back a thousand memories. In June 2019, I had the amazing ‘dual opportunity’ to visit this island paradise and also have extensive work experience.
Thus, during my time in the isle country, I interned with a company. It is basically a one-stop-shop working towards meeting all communication and marketing needs of various industries. My internship period revolved around helping the group in their then ongoing project with State Bank of Mauritius, which was to fabricate 5 different celebratory videos as the SBM was sponsoring the Indian Ocean Island Games for 2019. I brainstormed my seniors with ideas and created storyboards for the concerned project. Editing videos and helping in website formulation were other things I learnt and worked in.
But only gaining job experience doesn’t mark an overseas corporate internship any different from internships at home country right? So what does? The answer would be the opportunity to feed your overall personality and emerge a more liberated person. The Indian Ocean’s most cosmopolitan island helped me in doing so. As it is also famous for its people’s benevolence and compassion. It’s almost as if tolerance and kindness ooze out of the native of Mauritius and luckily enough. I witnessed these traits of Mauritians first hand through my office colleagues. I have mentioned these in a blog that I wrote for their website. A chunk of that written piece is what I have encompassed below. I’m hoping that it would be able to give you a slight insight into my work experience in Mauritius:
The company I interned with at Mauritius was the first overseas company that I am interning at. It’s a month-long internship, with real work and real deadlines that Natacha throws at us and ensures none of us is getting bored. She is the director and has asked us not to address her or anyone else with ‘ma’am or sir’. We are working together more like friends and not colleagues. You can learn so much from the CEO. His experience and expertise will astonish you and build you into a better person in and out. Not to mention, as I’m writing this blog, he is sitting on a sofa to my right and playing the guitar, singing along, showcasing his talent!

Everyone else in the office seems like a bunch of long lost friends that I have found on this island in the Indian Ocean after years. And that is why I said that I have felt the feeling of ‘home away from home’. It’s the company and the people who make you feel a part of their family. The care, the love is unimaginable, I am far away from my family and parents. But still close to the ones who have got my back undoubtedly. Coming here and meeting the team have made me believe that nationality, culture and language are just words. Family and friends are all above it. And sometimes your family and friends that you don’t even know reside in different countries or continents all together. You got to travel to them to learn and grow into a better person.
Similar to all other students of my age, who will be entering the ‘world of work’ in a few year’s time. The objective of my internship was to gain experience, build my skill set and nutrify my attributes. While I sit at home writing this blog exactly after a year of my corporate apprenticeship completion, I am jubilant to say that yes, I accomplished all that I desired to achieve when I made the decision to fly to have the best time in Mauritius for Internship through PAX Edutainment. I can feel the spur of confidence and competence in me now. A crucial source is that one month Summer’19. The year which I spent abroad, away from the protective envelope of my parents.
Since life isn’t an academic test where the simple knowledge of how to solve a problem is enough. Rather I believe, it’s about putting into practice what you’ve learned. PAX Edutainment provided me with the platform to reflect my skills. I say it with no doubt that no matter how many thankful gestures I extend towards the Director and another workforce of PAX for a beautiful and alluring experience, it wouldn’t suffice.
Signing off Purvai Parma Shivam, in hopes for many more such experiences. To me it proves that we are not only just breathing but are alive.
Edited in October of 2021: These days Ms Purvai is working as the Founder and Editor-In-Chief at Banjaran.mag where she along with the team is working on crafting people’s travel experiences better!
Find more about Corporate Internship Program in Mauritius
International Student Internship Experience
A Blog by Stuti Kohli at PAX Edutainment written in July 2020!