Balancing your time between Internship and college
When you’re balancing your time between internship and college, it’s easy to get buried in a pile of tasks. That can create a lot of pressure to finish things on time and still perform well. If you’re feeling stressed about how you will do a remote internship while also studying, worry not! Even little things can help reduce stress and improve the quality of your work. Here are five quick and easy tips for how to balance your time and be productive.
Don’t procrastinate!
The number one issue with time management is procrastination. It’s easy to keep putting work off, but that only leads to even more work later. Having to do a lot of work right before the deadline is tiring, stressful, and also reduces the quality of your work. To make sure that you make a good impression during your internship, you need to put your best foot forward. This means getting work done on time, creating quality material, and being proactive to get the best possible results. At the same time, getting good grades is also important, especially for college classes.
Even if a project is due in two weeks, try doing a little bit of work every day. That way, when you get closer to deadlines, you won’t be swamped in assignments and tasks.
Set aside distractions and figure out a specific schedule.

When working from home, it’s difficult to remove distractions. After working for a little time, it’s tempting to take “phone breaks” and start browsing social media. Next thing you know, three hours have passed and you haven’t gotten any work done!
To use your time wisely, try setting aside all distractions while studying or working. Set aside regular office hours, 3-4 hours a day, and do nothing except work for that time. For studying, repeat the same thing, and don’t do any internship work during this time. Try turning off your phone to avoid distractions from texts. You can also use self-control apps like Forest and Timely to stay away from sites like Facebook and Instagram. You’ll get a lot more work done if you focus and dedicate yourself to one task at a time.
Divide your tasks into a to-do list. balancing internship and college work
Sometimes, tasks are so huge that you don’t even know where to begin. This leads to procrastination, making it difficult to manage time properly and get the project done on time. If a college assignment or internship task is very long and complex, try dividing it into smaller parts. Making a to-do list with specific points is a good way of getting some work done every day. If you’re writing an essay, try doing research on day 1, the introduction on day 2, the body paragraphs on day 3, etc. Spreading work out in more manageable pieces is a great way of getting work done on time. It also gives you plenty of time to ask questions about the task so you know exactly what you need to do!
Take breaks to relax with family and friends.
Even when it feels like there’s too much work to do, you should always make time for breaks. Working all the time leads to brain fatigue and even more stress than before. It sounds illogical, but you’ll get a lot more work done if you take regular breaks. Hang out with family, take a short walk outside, work out, or spend some time on a hobby. It’ll help refresh your mind and get you ready to be productive again. As important as it is to get good grades and succeed in your internship, remember that it’s also important to have fun and relax sometimes!
Plan ahead for bigger tasks.
If you know a big task or final exam is coming up, try planning ahead for it. Get your short-term work done quickly and focus more time on the bigger project. To make planning easier, you can create a calendar or a planning journal with daily goals for working hours. If you plan ahead, you’ll have more time to prepare and balance your work with all your other responsibilities. It’s a great way of making sure you aren’t buried under piles of work once deadlines get close.
Balancing internship and college classes, homework, exams, and projects sound like an impossible task. However, if you plan your time wisely, you can do all this and still have some free time to relax. We hope you found these tips useful for managing your time!
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